How to add rating remainders and access Windows Store publisher page and rate from Unity

If you would like to add rating remainder to your apps, you can use this open source library:
It is also available in Nuget in Visual Studio, search for app promo.
Basically, all you have to do is something like: (there is also a sample app in the github repo)

and then

TryRemainderCompleted is an optional delegate that you can do other things with.

For Windows Store search to find the portfolio of a publisher, just include this in your Unity code when button is clicked:

Application.OpenURL ("ms-windows-store:Publisher?name=Sertac%20Ozercan");

If there is a space in the publisher name, you have to use %20 like above.

To rate an app:

Application.OpenURL ("ms-windows-store:REVIEW?PFN=" + appPackageID);

(appPackageID is whatever your package id is, something like “7fbddfa4-4712-4c32-96cf-255a3fceff5f”)

This page has information on other store protocols like searching, updates: